The market for offshore 风力发电 is growing, and offshore wind will be an important contribution on the road to a renewable and climate-neutral future.
Statkraft's strategy is to be a developer and operator of offshore 风力发电 plants in Northern Europe, especially in markets where the company is already established.
Our aim is to develop offshore wind on a competitive scale and to continue the search for new opportunities together with our partners. We will first look for opportunities in the North Sea basin, 聚焦挪威, 瑞典, 英国和爱尔兰, but will not rule out investments in offshore wind in other markets in the future.
In October 2023 Statkraft announced that it acquired Njordr Offshore Wind AB in 瑞典. Njordr Offshore Wind has been a pioneer within offshore wind in 瑞典 establishing a strong project team and a significant project pipeline of early-stage offshore 风力发电 projects.
Statkraft has previously developed several large offshore wind projects outside the UK which were later sold at a good profit.
Our ambitions in 挪威
Statkraft has teamed up with Mainstream Renewable Power (Aker) and Ocean Winds to bid for the development rights to a floating offshore wind facility at Utsira北部 off the west coast of 挪威.
Our project in 爱尔兰
Statkraft participated in the development of the Sheringham Shoal wind farm (pictured) off the 东 coast of England, but later sold its stake. Now the focus has moved to the development of offshore 风力发电 off the coast of 爱尔兰.
North Irish Sea Array
NISA was awarded a contract in the Irish government’s first offshore wind auction in 2023 to develop 500 MW of green energy.
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